Phonics – sh
Grade 3: English FAL – Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Dear grade 3 learners,
Today we are going to learn a new sound. It is the ‘sh’ sound.
This sound can be written at the beginning or the end of a word.
Assignments for the day:
1. Read Sight words number 9 in your pink Phonics book.
2. Phonics:
You need to learn the ‘sh’ words in your pink Phonics book on page 12 (number 19).
- Read the words by sounding out each letter.
- You can open the link ( ) to watch the Power Point of the ‘sh’ sound on YouTube. (It is optional.)
- Write these words down on a piece of paper.
- Ask an adult to give you 10 words to write down as a test.
Afterwards you can mark your test and give yourself a point
out of 10.
3. Complete Task 2
You are going to use the new words that you learned to complete some sentences. Read the sentence after you’ve chosen the word.
Word building: Try to build new words by adding the ‘sh’ sound.
What is a noun?
= A noun is a word used to name a person, place, animal or thing.
e.g. umbrella, elephant, ball, roof, school, clouds, desk, zoo
Complete Task 2:
(The task can be printed out in a PDF format.)
- Practise your new phonics words. (sh)
- Write a phonics test of 10 words.
- Read the sentences carefully and put in the missing words.
- Build new ‘sh’ words.
- Identify the noun in each sentence by drawing a circle around each noun.
e.g. The hat is red and blue.
Have fun!!