(Lesson Scheduled For: Friday, 15 May 2020)

RAIN OR SHINE p. 94-95


RAIN OR SHINE p. 94-95

Good morning Grade 4’s

This work is going to be familiar to you, because you have done it in Afrikaans before.

Why should we be able to read or understand the weather map?

It is important to be able to read or understand the weather map. When listening to the news on the radio or watching television, it is important to understand what the person is telling us about the weather. We need to be able to understand the weather terms they use. On page 94 they provide us with a weather map with all the necessary information. They also give us a table with the weather symbols. Let’s see if we can answer the questions below about the weather map, they gave us.

Talk to your parents about the weather map.

  • What does the chart say about the weather in your province?

                                                                            PROVINCE: Western Cape


                                                                            WIND:             The wind blows about 20km/h in the North West direction.

  • Is the weather really like that today?

Clear sky. Gentle breeze, 5 m/s from south-southeast. 0 mm precipitation.

  • Talk about the weather in the other provinces.
  • What clothes would the people in the Eastern Cape wear in this kind of weather?
  • The people in the Eastern Cape will wear long pants or shorts with a warm top or jacket, because it has a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 22.
  • Where is the weather the best? Where is it the worst?

The best weather is in the Free State and the worst weather is in Mpumalanga / KwaZulu-Natal.

Imagine that you are going to read the weather forecast on TV using the map on the opposite page.

Write down what you will say for each province. 

For example:

Fill in the names of the provinces Describe the weather. First, say what the temperature will be, and then say whether it will be rainy, cloudy or sunny.
Western Cape The Western Cape’s minimum temperature will be 20°C and the maximum will be 31°C. It looks like it’s a pretty sunny day.


Each of our answers will differ. It all depends on how you interpret the weather map. These are just suggested answers. It is only important that the content of the forecast is the same as on the weather map.

Fill in the names of the provinces Describe the weather. First what the temperature will be, and then say whether it will be rainy, cloudy or sunny.
Western Cape The Western Cape minimum temperature will be 20°C and the maximum will be 31°C. It looks like it’s a pretty sunny day.
Eastern Cape The Eastern Cape minimum temperature will be 15°C and the maximum will be 22°C. It will be a raining. 
Northern Cape The Northern Cape minimum temperature will be 17°C and the maximum will be 22°C. It will be partly cloudy.  
Free State The Free State minimum temperature will be 21°C and the maximum will be 30°C. It will be a very hot day with light breeze of wind.
North West The North West minimum temperature will be 21°C and the maximum will be 30°C. It will be a sunny day with a breeze of wind.
Gauteng The Gauteng minimum temperature will be 18°C and the maximum will be 21°C. It will be a sunny day with a light breeze of wind.
Limpopo The Limpopo minimum temperature will be 20°C and the maximum will be 30°C. It will be a sunny day with a breeze of wind.
Mpumalanga The Mpumalanga minimum temperature will be 19°C and the maximum will be 26°C. It will be a raining day with a breeze of wind.
KwaZulu-Natal The KwaZulu-Natal minimum temperature will be 19°C and the maximum will be 26°C. It will be lightning and thunderstorms.


ANSWERS: Read the chart showing the amount of rainfall for a specific place over 12 months.

  1. December
  2. July
  3. January, February, October, November and December.
  4. 410 mm
  5. January and November

February and October

March and September

  1. July
  2. September, because the rainfall is the most.



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